Monday, December 8, 2014


Mat. 25:13 ... "Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour."

      The more a person hears something, the less attention he pays to it.  The more familiar a thing becomes, the less consideration it receives.  This is quite unfortunate in some cases, because there are things that need attention no matter how often they are heard or how familiar they become.  One of the most important things in this category is the second coming of Jesus.  Attention is constantly called to this event in church and occasionally in society.  The idea is entirely familiar, for practically no one is unaware of the Biblical prophecies that Jesus will come again.  Consequently, few people are easily moved by the announcement that before tomorrow's light Jesus might appear in the zenith of the sky and terminate all earthly affairs.  People routinely file this subject in the back of their minds under the heading of IRRELEVANT and go on their way as though it does not matter.  God foresaw this attitude and inspired Peter to write, "Scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing, following their own sinful desires.  They will say, 'Where is the promise of His coming?  For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all things are continuing as they were from the beginning of creation,'" (II Pet. 3:3-4).  

      Christians must train themselves to respond more appropriately  than this.  No matter how often the subject of Jesus' return is announced, we must pay the more earnest attention to it.  The more familiar the idea becomes, the greater should we give it our strictest attention.  It is toward this goal of avid attention and grave consideration that the Lord commanded us to "watch therefore."  The prospect of Christians should always be forward and upward, forward to Jesus' return and upward to the place from which He shall come.  This vigilance in earnest expectation will influence us to keep our lives in order by the rules of righteousness given in the New Testament.  Responsive Christians want to be found prepared to meet their Lord and Savior.  In the twelves verses of Matthew 25 previous to the text of this article, Jesus told the Parable of the Virgins to draw a contrast between those who prepare for His return and those who do not.  The five wise virgins took enough oil for their lamps, so that when the bridegroom came they were admitted to the marriage supper.  But the five foolish virgins did not take enough oil and were excluded while they went away to buy more.  Frequently in the Bible, oil is a symbol of preparation, just as it is here.  The wise virgins prepared to meet the bridegroom and were admitted into his company upon his arrival.  The five foolish virgins did not prepare and were shut out from his company.  The bridegroom here is a figure for Jesus, and the supper a figure for the fellowship of heaven.

      The time to prepare for Jesus' return is ... NOW!  When He is descending from the sky with myriads of angels, it is already too late.  The foolish virgins were not allowed to replenish their oil (i.e., complete their preparation) when the bridegroom appeared.  With each new day the wise Christian will remind himself that the second advent of Jesus is one day nearer than yesterday and will then feel a greater urgency to prepare for Him.  Of course, he will carry on with the usual business of daily life --- eating, working, relaxing, building his career, etc.  But he will be careful to give priority to his relation with God.  He will be diligent to keep his behavior clean and his mind and speech pure.  He will be kind to people about him and give assistance in Jesus' name to those in need. He will devote some time each day to Bible study and prayer.  When the church meets for worship and fellowship, he will faithfully be found there in their midst.  He will interpret life by the teaching of Jesus and the inspired apostolic writings.  He will establish the meaning of his life in relation to God's will for his place in the scheme of things.  And when Jesus does come, he will definitely be found watching.