One of the more prominent characteristics of man is the struggle between competing groups. The conflict between Arabs and Jews is millennia old and apparently unresolvable. The fight between Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland has been in progress for centuries. There is hardly a place on earth where there is not a division within the local community along the line of some issue and resulting constant friction as people conduct their affairs in close proximity.
Although we have our own problems of this sort in America, for the most part we are not involved in the struggle between opposing groups in other lands except in a few high profile cases. Fortunately, I am not challenged to choose sides in the Arab-Jewish conflict. Nor is it needful for me to decide whether I will support the Protestants or the Catholics in Ireland. I can live well enough and conduct my business in peace without reference to competition between groups like these in other countries.
There is, however, a struggle, universal in scope, that involves everyone everywhere. There are two parties to the conflict and no middle ground between them. It is impossible to circumvent its battlescape, or conduct one's affairs without being involved in it. Jesus' statement in Mrk. 9:40 infers the existence of this colossal struggle, which the Bible often classifies as warfare. It is a war centered in the spiritual world; and since everyone has a spirit (soul) within him, the struggle extends into his life as well. It is the war between good and evil, with God leading the forces of good, and Satan the forces of evil. There is no demilitarized zone, or neutral middle ground, to which one can flee to take refuge from the battle as a non-participant.
I can refuse to be a Democrat without the necessity to be a Republican, (and, of course, vice versa). But I cannot refuse to support Christ and His Way without giving my allegiance to Satan. This conclusion seems terribly harsh, since there are so many people who do not profess allegiance to Christ, offer Him worship, and defend His doctrine and mode of personal conduct against scoffers. One must realize that this conclusion is the Lord's, not mine or any other person's. It is not one that the religious have made to express contempt for those who will not come over to their side. If the Lord is real and true, this conclusion is a fact. Either one is in allegiance to Christ, or He is in opposition to Him.
If someone interviewed a large number of the people who never attend church or make an effort to worship, he would probably find that most of them speak favorably of Jesus and are sympathetic to the way of life He advocates. They do not think of themselves as enemies of Christ, and many would even confess it would be good for them to start attending church services. They would likely declaim being "enemies" of Jesus and declare themselves neutral in regard to the matter of the religious vs. the non-religious. Some would maintain they are actually friends of Jesus who have not so far proclaimed it. God's view, however, as He has expressed it in Scripture, is quite different! We are told very objectively that "whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God," (Jas. 4:4). The term "world" as used here refers to the spiritual domain ruled by Satan rather than the physical planet itself, (see Luk. 4:5-7). How sad it is for people to admire and respect Christ and yet be His enemy because they will not give Him their allegiance and be His disciples. How pitiful it is for people to appreciate the kind of life Christ promotes in man without yielding themselves to Him to build that kind of life in themselves personally.
The greatest tragedy will be in the End, when all must come before Christ in judgment. Only those who submit to Him during this life will gain admittance into His home in heaven. Those who never give their loyalty to Him will then hear the most terrible words a person can ever hear, "Depart from Me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels," (Mat. 25:41). It is not pre-determined that anyone should hear that awful sentence. As long as you are this side of the grave you can avert it by becoming a disciple and friend of Jesus. It is my prayer that God bless this short essay to persuade someone somewhere to thus change his/her life affiliation and direction.