The New Testament has 260 chapters. Posting an article that highlights a passage in each chapter means that this project will require 260 articles, if it is continued to the end. At this point, from the beginning last September, I have posted 65 articles. Each chapter from Matthew 1 through Luke 21 has been featured. The progression through the New Testament is now at the one-fourth point. Before proceeding further, I think it good to pause briefly and make a few pertinent observations.
I have been pleased that so many people in so many places have read the articles. Outside the United States there have been readers in eleven other countries, especially France and Russia. I am somewhat astonished that I can share knowledge of the Bible and its inspired message with people whom I do not know and probably never will. Through this medium I hope a connection has been made that will yield eternal benefits. The connection is a common knowledge of divine revelation; the eternal benefits, I hope, will be eternal life, since God's word is the word of life.
Some of my readers are, however, quite known to me. They are my Facebook friends, people whom I personally know. A few of you I have had the honor to teach face-to-face in Bible classes in church. It is my hope and prayer that these articles are meaningful and encouraging to you. I am trying to write them in such a way as to open up and bring into the light the message in each text that is featured. Also, I fervently hope that the "spirit" contained in any Scripture passage will enter into the heart of each reader and bring a measure of the encouragement needed to face the vicissitudes of life. I write and publish these articles for the good of the reader, not for any self-oriented benefit.
I must admit some disappointment that a great many of my Facebook friends are not reading the articles. Perhaps you do not see Facebook as a place for teaching/learning, but rather a place for sharing your personal experiences (in vivid photos) with all who care to view them. Each person may, of course, use Facebook for what he/she wants it to be. It is the greatest avenue for free speech and self expression I know. But, friends, each of my articles take only 3-4 minutes to read. In the trip down your News Feed, surely you can pause that long to read something that might draw your attention briefly toward God and remind you of His desire for your attention. God is always ready to bless you and waits for you to give Him the opportunity. It is my fervent desire that in reading one of these articles you give your Heavenly Father that opportunity. SOLI DEO GLORIA.